Dear abba, this letter is just to express my deep love and appreciation for all that you do, for us all, for the air that we breathe, for the sunshine that warms our faces as we wake, for the beating of our hearts, for the smile of the stranger on the street as we walk on by;

Which is no stranger after all for in all the faces there you are, there you are my beloved heart of hearts!!!

Thank you for the music that soothes my cares, the wind on my hair, thank you for your ever watching eye that sees the miniscule as well as the great divine!!! My father, our father thank you for the rain, and the scent of flowers that delight my nostrils and my world, thank you for the people that cmoe and go in my life, thank you for the beauty in the world, nature the skies …

All thank you father again for soo much love for the books that inspire for the teachers in disguise where your loving touch is heard …

Oh thank you for the world, for the people in it, for all the good, thank you for the new ideas and thoughts in my mind, thank you, father, for your thoughts, are my thoughts, your love is my love, thank you that your heart is my heart, your ways are my ways, your touch is my touch, your eyes are my eyes, your essence is my essence, your will is my will, and your power is my power, therefore; thou art in me, as I am in thee ….

Thank you from the bottom of my heart and soul thank you…

Thank you father blessed is thine name beloved of my heart !!! Have a beautiful day and a beautiful life.!!!!! Many kisses and hugs from ?? Me, vivi ??