Dear God, I’m sorry for existing and bothering you. Should’ve ended up myself somehow many years ago when I realized that you were too busy with building others’ lives and ignoring mine. But I couldn’t do so because of my family. I’m living as a loser and one day I’ll die as a loser.
I still can’t believe that you’ve consumed me in all possible ways for the past 11 years without any mercy. I always wonder what made you decide that I deserve all these tragedies and mishaps.
I have prayed, crying my heart out and begging for your mercy and blessings. How could you not notice my tears?
God, how could you give up on me forever? Even if I’m a sinner, you can still forgive me and give a new life. Please be aware that I existed, I tried, I prayed, I cried, I waited and I hoped.
Now I have no clue what should I pray for. Just help my family to move on. They don’t deserve an unfortunate animal like me. Let everybody else live in peace and prosperity, just like you always did.
Catholic Confession
Catholic Confession, also known as the Sacrament of Penance or Reconciliation, is a religious rite in the Catholic Church where a person confesses their sins