waste it. Thank You, Lord.

Dear God…

First of all, let me start off by saying I’m sorry.

I’m sorry I haven’t been better at the things that are most important.

I’m sorry I let my anger, depression, and even greed cloud my better judgement.

I’ve lately seen several results of my neglagence, and I blame everyone else, even though I know that it’s all my fault.

I know you’ve granted me several opprotunities to get my life back in order, but I let them pass me by, because I was too blind to see them.

For all these reasons, I’m very sorry.

Right now, there are only two things I beg of you.

First, I beg you for forgiveness.

Please forgive me for all the wrong I’ve done, and all my shortcomings.

Finally, Lord, I beg you for open eyes, that I might not be blind to see any more opportunities you grant me.

If I’m given another chance to get my life back, I will do everything in my power not to waste it.

Thank You, Lord.