
I am glad I found this site so I can confess to my brothers and sisters the bible says.

In my past and some recent past I done a lot of wickedness.

I have sto. lied. gossiped. swore.

broken promises. done drugs and alcohol. had very evil thoughts. lusted. acted out on anger, agendas, and selfishness.

a great number of sins of commission and omission.

said Gods name in vain, viewed p etc.

and acted out repeatedly sexually.

I pray God will forgive me! for these and all of the sins I ever committed that I have forgotten about.

We all need God and his Grace in our lives….

Recent Confessions


First off I am glad I found this site. I would like to confess the following weaknesses and bad habits I have. I could certainly […]

Damn it, I sinned again…

I confess to the whole Trinity and to Mankind, that I have sinned grievously again. Though I do live a fairly righteous life, but when […]

Again, My Weakness

I confess to Almighty God and the children of men, that I have seriously sinned lately. I must be acting out or something…. I have […]

forgive me for cheating

My wife, forgive me for cheating My wife, I know that throughout our life as a married couple, I could have cheated not once and