I’m sorry God

I tried to take back an open bottle of diet pills to Walmart so that I would have more money put back on my credit card.

They wouldn’t take them and I tried to scam them but they caught me. I am so embarrassed at myself.

I’m glad God let me get caught. He loves me so much that He wasn’t let me act a fool because He wants better for me.

I’m so glad to see this example of His love.

I know how lucky I am. He believes in me or he would have let me commit this shameful act. So I am glad in my heart to know God believes in me and I won’t have to do this ever again. Everything I need is in my heart where God lives. I hope I have a way of helping repay this blessing to God because I am just so thankful He cares.

I haven’t experienced this kind of caring before so it’s new for me but I know to be thankful. It’s what I always asked for. Now I just need to forgive myself. I think I have, I just need to get on my way.

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