My mom is about to lose her home, my sister can not afford to buy nice things, and money is scarce.
My parents are in the process of divorce and my father took everything we had…
money, a complete family, self esteem, and our home.
He left us to struggle.
I pray to God whom is my father in heaven, to help us.
I was on my knees before you tonight calling for you in our desperate time of need.
Our hearts are broken and our home is about to be taken away.
God I am a sinner but I ask, as your child, for forgiveness, mercy, and your love.
Most especially, now, we need financial help.
While some people sit on billions of dollars, living the life…
our family lives on instant foods and the resistance to using a heater just to save extra on the electricity bill no matter how cold it is.
I walk to get my son milk and other necessities and our light in our bedroom is the bathroom light pouring in some of its brightness.
God I ask for your mercy and help for we are living poor.
Please bless us with a desperately needed financial miracle.