About today

Dear heavenly father, today was going great, but in the evening, it got bad.

Nathan was really angry bad cause Aunt Blecie was annoying. I know she’s a bit annoying, but he shouldn’t have done that, even Aunt Blecie should’ve listened, so they’re both wrong.

Today was the day they really got into a fight they’re really angry today that they were both crying I felt bad for aunt blecie so I decided to be nice to her but I got a message from damara to send her the homework cause she was absent and aunt blecie got mad at me for using my phone so I tried to explain to her why I did that and she keeps shouting at me and I keep trying to explain so I cried there’s so much more i really cannot explain all I love you god and jesus so much and I hope aunt blecie and Nathan will be fixed and everything will be ok by today and i hope nothing bad happens to any of them and we pray for me,my family, friends and all the people I care

about will live happy and healthy together forever we pray for all the family and orphans to live happy and healthy too we hope all the people in this world will be peaceful and safe i know I’m too young but i still want to pray for these i pray for all of us to have a great day tomorrow for the whole day, and that nylan and I will win or do good in the tennis tournament thank U god and jesus for everything that you done for us we pray for everyone who is suffering and hurt to get better soon I’m sorry but please.

i hope U can try to these things I love you god and jesus!

Thank you for listening to our prayers in Jesus name we pray amen.