Dear Jesus,thank you for the wonderful life u given to me.
Thank you for being in life through sorrow and happiness.
Thank you for taking care of my loved ones during this pandemic time especially my mother and all those are under threat by the virus.
And thank you for helping me in avoiding in bringing this virus back to my family each time I goes and come back from work.
All I want is peace.
And I can’t find in my own home.
The reason is other people who making me uncomfortable in my own house.
A mechanic shop in infront my house.
I try reporting and making complaints but only few weeks and they start back the work.
The noise and people coming and going is making me loss temper.
What else I do? Go and warn them not to make noise? I already mention that early to them.
Go and make police report? I think it’s not that serious and I don’t want police involved.
I don’t know what to do anymore.
Go and complaint again to town district? I am so frustrated.
I regret buying house here.
The neighbors not that friendly.
Still racist as well. Dear God,help me to settle this helpness.
Just make them go away .
Help me not to have bad thoughts about them.
There is no more peace in being at home.
Please bring back the peace again.
Thank you God.