Forgiveness of Sin

Dear God,
I am grateful for all opportunities unspoken, prayer answered even before I prayed. Your love towards me is immense.

I couldn’t have come this far if not for your grace. I am indeed grateful Lord.

Lately, I have been messing up, I felt withdrawn away from you because of my sin against. Please Dear Lord, do not withdraw your mercy away from me.

I need you more than before, my life is going in a way I don’t understand but I believe you know what’s missing. I therefore ask for your mercy, forgiveness of sin to enable me come boldly to the throne of grace that I may obtain favour from you.

I am sorry for all my shortcomings, I’ve indulged so much in pornorgraphy, lying etc…..please Lord forgive me. I am sorry……

Thank you for you’ve answered my prayer.


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