My desire to find that place where I experience peace, love, and joy is increasing daily, and I’ve intellectually understood for some time that it is only my doubts that I deserve it that has held me back.
Recently, I’m becoming more receptive to listening when I’m in the midst of a difference of opinion with someone, or an internal judging rant against someone, and I get a prompt to stop and ask to see the situation differently.
It usually begins with a reminder that what I’m perceiving, is not outside my mind, independent of my thoughts, and being done to me. Once I’m open to that reminder, I’m ready to refer back to the first two paragraphs of The Call for Faith in Chapter 17 which is my pattern for coming to a solution to a problem.
They remind me my only problem is that I’ve forgot that only God is real and that I only have one problem, which is that I think I’ve separated from God. I am happy to join you in finding my way to a place of joy, peace, and love.
How To Get Over A Broken Heart
How do you overcome a broken heart? Does a broken heart have a place for new love And how is it that a broken stage