Dear Father, Thank you for the opportunity to read your Word and the opportunity to come to you for guidance. I thank You for being the God of clarity and for helping me when I ask for it.
Thank You for allowing me to be in close relationship with you and I ask that you please help me to be closer to You.
Father, I come to you now with a lot of confusion about my heart and my feelings. I have been having thoughts about breaking up with Bowen. I’m worried that I do not understand my feelings towards him (or really anybody).
When I was in a relationship with Tillman, I genuinely was lovesick for him (like in Song of Songs). I do not know if I can say the same thing for my relationship with Bowen.
Also, I don’t know if I am even attracted to him as a personb or just the things that he does/say.
He does light a fire for the hopeless romantic person in me, but I am still doubting what I am feeling. I’m afraid that I am just being a people-pleaser or just falling into the thing where he and I were inevitable.
Father, you know what I am feeling and what I am going to do with my feelings. I ask that you please help me to find clarity.
Help me to understand my feelings and attractions. Can you help me to understand if my feelings are outside of purely physical (body chem wise) or if they are genuine? I don’t want to disrespect him or hurt him, but I don’t want to string him along.
He deserves to be able to find the woman he is going to marry. Father, please hear my cry and respond to it.
Help your daughter in distress.
Thank you for being so so good. Thank you for the way you will respond to the prayer and for the clarity you are going to give. I ask this in Jesus’s Name, Amen.