love you my dear Lord. Jennie

I’m sorry GOD for not being a better person when I know better.

Forgive me GOD for letting down my parents.

Forgive me for lying, cheating, stealing that I have done in the past/present.

I know I am not a bad person, but I could be a better one, but I’ve chosen not too.

I am sorry GOD for sometimes wanting to be alone and shut out the rest of the world.

I am sorry for being selfish.

I am sorry for not being sure of who I am.

I am sorry that I have not fulfilled what you wanted of me and the reason why I am here.

If you have been trying to tell me my purpose then I must be turning a deaf ear or I need for you to yell it out for me.

Then I am sorry for missing your message time and time again.

I am sorry for wanting more.

I am sorry that I wish I had more (financially) because I feel like I am drowning in debt.

I am sorry because it is only my own fault so I should not ask for help in something I did to myself.

I want to say thank you though.. for my Freddy! My mom, dad, Cathy..

Please help me GOD to make everything all right again.

Please help me and Freddy have eternal love and trust and a completely fulfilling and happy marriage.

May all of these be placed in your hands and you do as you wish.

Please help me not to be scared.

I believe you will give me the answers, but please help me to listen and to know when you are speaking to me.

Please take care of my mom, dad, Cathy, and my baby Freddy! He is my heart and I truly love this man.

Please take care of my friends, and family as well.

I love you, my dear Lord.
