Thank you Sweet Jesus Amen.

Thank you God for another day.

Heavenly father, I just want to say thank you for another day you gave me , I will forever praise your name, I am glad you call me to do your will.

I am writing to you again father because every time Im scared or worry about things somehow, this letter bring me so much comfort and peace of mind cause I know my prayers are being answered, I know now how to release my faith in you and I truely beleive you are going to answer me ,but please dear father help me quickly, or send good helper to help me save my home frome from forecloser, and dont let the government take me away from my mother she is all i have and i am all she have she depend on me for everything cause she cant do anythin for herself.

I need you now lord fix all the shortcomings in my life and make me a better person.

Grant me peace in Jesus name Grant me happines in Jesus name Grant me good health in Jesus name Grant me prosperity and wealth and riches in abundance in Jesus mane Grant me long life in Jesus name Grant me freedom from the ins and the goverment in Jesus name Grant salvation in Jesus name Grant me a spiritual calling to preach to the world in Jesus name Grant favor to everyone I come in contact eith in Jesus name Grant me to be the winner in my husband court case in Jesus name Grant me removal of all my enemies known and unknown in Jesus name Grant protection of all my blessings you gave me in presence,past and future in Jesus name Grant me to be an important person in society in Jesus name Grant me to be the most loving person and kindhearted in the world in Jesus name Grant me to be young and beautiful in Jesus name Grant me a direct contact with you in jesus name Grant my husband who went home to you to be a better place with you in Jesus name Grant my two sisters who went home to you give them comfort and let my husband and sisters know Im asking for then in Jesus name.

Grant my mother a healing in Jesus name Grant my children a healthy and happy life in Jesus name make my home a secure place to live in in jesus name Grant me guiding angels to protect my home and all the things you bless me with in Jesus name.

Grant me faith that all my bills will be taken care of in Jesus name Thank you Sweet Jesus Amen.