Okay, so listen Gpd.
I know I don’t belive in you, and I might not be your all-time favourite person, seeing as I’m a satanist.
But just listen!! Today is Thursday, correct? Well I have to stay in school till 17:30, and I don’t want that, so I’m wishing for like really much snow before the clock hits 6 Am, it is currently 05:26, so you have 34 min to get that snow here in Denmark.\
Please hurry before my dad wakes up.
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I wish I was stronger
Yes, I wish I was stronger, you know I gave in to temptation this week I watched the P word again and did the immoral deed
I wish I was more obediant
Today I was weak again, like so many 1000 s of times before I watched — and did the deed.
i wish it could be different
I confess to Almighty God and the human family, that I’m a sinner… I have big and small sins, sins of omission and commission.
i would wish…
I’m tired of my life, and i know that God gives us this as the best present for us.