Not Loving Others as God Commands

I confess that I have often failed to love others as God commands. Rather than treating my neighbors with kindness and compassion, I have allowed envy, judgment, and indifference to cloud my heart. I have neglected to see the inherent worth and dignity of every individual, instead focusing on their flaws and shortcomings. I have failed to see the beauty in diversity and have shied away from forming meaningful connections with those who are different from me.

I realize now that by not loving others as God commands, I have not truly loved myself. For it is through loving others that we find fulfillment and purpose in our own lives. I am sorry for the times I have turned a blind eye to those in need, for the times I have withheld forgiveness, and for the times I have been quick to anger and slow to show grace.

I ask for forgiveness and guidance as I strive to become a better reflection of God’s love in this world. May I learn to see others through His eyes, to extend grace and mercy to those who may not deserve it, and to cultivate a spirit of unity and understanding among all people. Amen.