
I am guilty of revenge, idolatry, theft, sexual sins, hard-heartedness, disobedience to GOD, Willfulness, swearing, Taking God’s name in vain, evil thoughts, adultery of the heart, lust, emotional sins, sins of omission and commission, not applying my disciplines, choosing sin over righteousness, not appreciating the savior’s atonement for me, not thinking of consequences before acting out, being a bad provider, anger, impatience, lying, manipulation, misdirection, grumpiness, resentment and a host of other faults I can’t recall.

I ask God to forgive me, to wash me clean, to save me!!!, restore me, and to give me another chance to serve and prove myself…..I also ask for his patience and strength as I’m going thru extreme hardships and trials…

I hope to overcome and to learn to trust him again as I? have lost some trust and faith.

I know God hears all our prayers and is eager to receive us into the fold again. (Into his out-reached arms)