
I sincerely confess before God and everyone that I am truly struggling with sin.

I find myself unrepentant at times—not because I want to be, but because I am weak and often give in to sin without resistance.

There are certain sins I just can’t seem to let go of.

Though I honestly don’t want to continue in them, they feel so natural to me that overcoming them seems impossible. I feel lost and unsure of what to do.

Today, after confessing, I went back and knowingly sinned again.

I even felt like I needed to—that’s so troubling to admit. Today, I used foul language, stole, and gave in to other temptations.

It’s hard to say I’m repentant when my actions don’t reflect it. I truly want to be sincerely repentant, but it seems I lack the faith or dedication to fully turn away from sin.

God, please forgive me and be patient with me.